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JAC Awards
Updated On: Nov 05, 2013

Please be advised that due to the furlough, the Superior Achievement Awards are now being accepted through October 31, 2013.


This is the 4th Quarter FY2013 notice advising you that supervisors are accepting nominations, through Thursday, October 31, 2013, exclusively for Superior Achievement Awards (SAA), on behalf of bargaining unit employees. These SAA nominations will cover outstanding achievements accomplished duringJuly 1 – September 30, 2013. SAAs are cash awards meant to recognize employees whose performance has been so noteworthy that special recognition is clearly justified. This process includes the use of a Joint Awards Committee (JAC) to evaluate and recommend awards. 

Under the JAC process, bargaining unit employees have the opportunity every quarter to nominate themselves, other employees, and groups/teams of employees for an SAA for the previous three month period, and to have those nominations evaluated by the JAC. Other awards, including Quality Step Increases, Special Act Cash and Time-off awards, are not included in this process. These remain within the exclusive purview of CBP management for both nomination and evaluation. 

The JAC is made up of both supervisors and employees representing CBP and NTEU. They review the nominations submitted every quarter by supervisors and employees, and make recommendations based on the criteria referenced below. Award recommendations require a majority decision. The JAC does not have approval authority, however. This authority lies with the Port Director at each port location and the Director at the Field Office.

When considering whether to submit a nomination for yourself or on behalf of another employee or group of employees, consider the following criteria that the JAC will be relying upon when evaluating the nominations:

Ø  An activity or achievement that substantially surpasses established performance goals.

Ø  A significant contribution to the accomplishment of Agency goals.

Ø  Behavior that exemplifies the Agency core values.

Ø  A reduction in unit costs based on such direct action as minimizing waste, highly expert and efficient performance of assigned tasks, improved utilization of staff and facilities, or revised operating procedures, or unusual skill in the application of present procedures.

If approved, awards are valued in the form of "shares" which are later exchanged for a cash award at the end of the annual performance cycle. The amount of each award is a function of the awards budget and the total number of shares distributed to the employees in each awards pool.  More detailed information regarding the SAA and JAC process can be found in Article 42, Awards and Recognition, Section 4, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

If you are interested in submitting an award nomination please follow these instructions:

Ø  Complete the attached CBP Form 80 (05/11), Awards and Recognition Nomination form and forward it to the nominated employee's supervisor (or designated point of contact) no later than October 15, 2013.  No other forms will be accepted. In the case of a group or team, send the form to the supervisor responsible for the group/team. (A separate form is needed for each employee except for group/team nominations.)

Ø  Employees may also provide a copy of submitted nominations to the Chapter President (or designee).

Ø  Place an X next to the category: "Superior Achievement."

Ø  Indicate whether the award is for an individual or a group/team.

Ø  Identify the time period covered (e.g., July 1 2013 to September 30 2013).

Ø  Identify the employee(s) for whom the award is recommended, including position title.

Ø  Provide a description of the accomplishment in the space provided.

Ø  Leave the remaining spaces blank (including "SSN" and "Share"); they will be completed by the nominated employee's supervisor and the JAC.

The JAC noticed several errors on many forms the last few quarters that we would appreciate the managers double checking prior to being turned in to the JAC.

Ø  TIME PERIOD – the month year must be marked for the 4th quarter (7/2013 – 9/2012).

Ø  Social Security Number (last 4 digits) needs to be included

Ø  Leave the Amount block empty – this will be filled in by the JAC

Ø  Nominating Employee Name must be filled out

Ø  Supervisor Name block must be filled out, even if the supervisor is also the nominating employee.  It is also very important for the supervisor to validate the nomination.  All information should be verified as true and accurate.  If you are unable to verify the nomination, the NO should be checked and a reason why annotated.

Ø  The approving official is Hector A. Mancha and his title is Port Director, OFO.  Please ensure that this is correct on all forms.


When nominating a deserving employee, please ensure that you highlight the area and reason that you feel they deserve a superior achievement award for this quarter.

Here is a small example of description of accomplishment that may assist you –

“During the 4th Quarter of FY 2013, CBPO J. Smith consistently exceeded in the performance of his job as a Customs and Border Protection Officer.  CBPO Smith was involved in 10 narcotic seizures with a combined weight of 1,203 pounds.  CBPO Smith also intercepted 3 imposters and 3 false claims.  A total of 15 arrests were attributed to CBPO Smith’s vigilance.  CBPO Smith was the top seizing officer for BOTA POE during this quarter.  CBPO Smith has demonstrated a superior knowledge, expertise and work ethic that have led to an above average number of seizures, work related arrests, and positive referrals to other law enforcement agencies.  CBPO Smith’s performance and dedication has contributed positively to the CBP mission in El Paso.  ”

Questions regarding this program should be directed to your supervisor or JAC Administrator.

Please ensure that all SAA nominations are turned into your supervisor of record so that they can be correctly validated and turned in.




More Information:
Funding Levels for Performance Awards
NTEU Chapter 143
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